Saturday, February 16, 2013

Kabir Daas : 2

कबीर दास जी के दोहे
१)            जाति न पूछो साधू की, पूछीं लीजये ज्ञान!
मोल करो तरवार का, पड़ा रहन दो म्यान!!

कबीर दास जी कहतें है कि, संतो की जाति कभी न पूछे, उनसे ज्ञान की बातें ही पूछे! तलवार का मोल-तोल करो , म्यान को पड़े रहने दो !!
२).           हीरा वहाँ ना खोलिये, जहाँ कुंजड़ों की हाट !
बांधो चुप की पोटरी, लागहु अपनी बाट !!
कबीर दास जी कहते है, अपने हीरों को कुंजडो के बाज़ार में क्यों खोलते हो, वह भला इसकी क्या कीमत जाने, बस इसी में भलाई है कि चुपके से अपनी पोटली बांध कर अपने रास्ते पर चल दो यानी अपनी शिक्षा लापरवाहों को दे कर अपना वक्त क्यों गवातें हो ! जब तुम कद्र नहीं पाते हो अपनी कीमती सीख गांठ में बांधो और अपना काम करो !!
३.)           सोवा साधु जगाईए, करे नाम का जाप !
यह तीनों सोते भले, साकित सिंह और साँप !!
अगर साधु सोता हो तो उसको जगाना चाहिए ताकि भजन करे, लेकिन अधर्मी , सिंह को नहीं जगाना चाहिए क्योकि वह उठते ही लोगो को दुःख देता है !!
४)            जाके जिव्या बंधन नहीं, हदय में नहीं साँच !
वाके संग न लगिये, खाले वटिया कांच !!
जिसको अपनी जीभ पर अधिकार नहीं तथा मन में सचाई नहीं तो ऐसे मनुष्य के साथ रहकर तुझे कुछ भी प्राप्त नहीं हो सकता !!
५)            दुर्लभ मानुष जन्म है, देह न बारम्बार!
तरुवर ज्यो पती झडे, बहुरि न लगे डार!!
यह मनुष्य जन्म बड़ी मुश्किल से मिलता है और यह देह बार-बार नहीं मिलती ! जिस प्रकार पैड से पता झड जाने के बाद फिर डाल में नहीं लग सकता है !
६)            सुख में सुमिरन ना किया, दुःख में किया याद !
                कह कबीर ता दास की, कौन सुने फरियाद !!

सुख में तो कभी याद किया नहीं तथा दुःख में याद करने लगे, कबीर दास जी कहतें है कि उस दास की विनती कौन सुनेगा !
७)            कबीर माला मनिह की, और संसारी भीख !
                माला फेरे हरि मिले, गले रहट के देख !!
कबीर दास  जी कहते है कि माला तो मन की  ही होती है बाकि तो सभी लोक दिखावा है अगर माला फेरने से भगवान मिलता हो तो रहट ( कुए से पानी निकलने की पुरानी मशीन ) के  गले को देखो, कितनी बार माला फिरती है ! दिल कि माला फिरने से ही भगवान मिलता है !

८)            साईं इतना दीजये, जा मे कुटुम समाये !
                में भी भूखा न रहूँ , साधु न भूखा जाये !!
कबीर दास जी कहते है कि ईश्वर तुम मुझे इतना दो की जिसमे परिवार का गुजारा चल जाये , में भी भूखा ना रहूँ तथा साधु भी भूखा ना जाये !!
9)             मुख में थूकन दे नहीं , गुहर कोई सन देही !
                कहें कबीर या चिलम को , मांगी चिलम नहि लींन !!
कबीर दास जी कहतें है कि अगर कोई गिन्नी (धन) दे कर मुंह में थी थूकना चाहे, तो भी मनुष्य अपने मुंह में थूकने नहीं देगे ! यहाँ संसार का झूठा हुका चिलम सब पीते है !

Sunday, January 13, 2013

My Inspiration- 2 : Kabir Das

कबीर दास जी ने आपने सभी शलोको में भगवान को प्राप्त करने के विभिन-विभिन आडम्बरो की भर्षक निंदा की है चाहे उसमे हिन्दू हो या मुस्लमान ! में भी उनके के इन विचारो से सहमत हूँ !
उनके कुछ  एक शलोक में से एक दो में यहाँ मैं लिख रहा हूँ ...

पत्थर पूजे हरी मिलेँ, तो में पुजू पहाड़ ! घर का चकिया कोई न पूजे, जेक पीसा खाए !!

काकर-पाथर जोड़ के माजिद लियो बनाये ! तापे मुल्ला बाग़ दे , क्या बहिरा भयो खुदाए !!

इन दोनों श्लोको में  कबीर दास जी ने हिन्दू और मुस्लिम को सीधे सीधे शब्दों में समझाया है कि भगवान को प्राप्त करने का ये दिखावा बंद कर दे ! 
अगर आज के युग में "कबीर दास जी " होते तो आज के नेता उन्हें सेक्युलर और कोमुनल बना केर उपहास उड़ा देते शायद .... पर बात बड़े ही पते कि कही थी उन्होंने, में भी सहमत हू उनसे, तभी में बाहरी ढोंग से दूर रहना पसंद करता हूँ !!

कबीर दास जी ने गुरु को सर्वोपरि माना है , सर्वोपरि से मतलब भगवान से भी परे .. आखिर क्यों ...

जल परमाने माछाली कुल परमाने शुधि ! जाको जैसा गुरु मिला, ताको तासी बुदि !!
मूल ध्यान गुरु रूप है , मूल पूजा गुरु पावं ! मूल नाम गुरु वचन है, मूल सत्य सतभाव !!
गुरु गाविन्द दौ खड़े, काके लागू पाँव ! बलिहार गुरु आपनो, गोविन्द दियो बताय !!
कबीर दास जी ने गुरु कि महिमा का अच्छे से गुण गान किया है ! उनका कहना बहुत ही सही है गुरु ही आपका मार्ग दर्शन कर सकता है इस पृथ्वी पर ! तभी हमारी शिक्षा में गुरु का महत्व पूर्ण स्थान है !
कबीर दास जी के श्लोको से मालूम पड़ता है उनके अपार ज्ञान था जैसा कि किताबो में लिखा है कि कबीर दास जी ज्यादा पढ़े लिखे नहीं थे, मुझे विस्वास नहीं होता है कि एक बिना पढ़ा लिखा इंसान भी इतना बड़ा ज्ञानी हो सकता है, अदभुत है !!
विश्वास करना काफी मुश्किल है , पर जैसा किताबो में लिखा है उसको मान ना तो पड़ेगा आखिर एक सबूत है !
वैसे जो भी उन्होंने कहा था बड़ा ही सटीक कहा था , अचराज तो इस बात का है कि आज तक भी हम उन से आगे ना तो बढ़ पाए है और ना ही अपना कुछ नया ढूँढ पाए है ! वसे ही महँ बनते फिरते है ! शायद ये सच कड़वा है पर सच है !!
कबीर दास जी ने "निन्दक" की बहुत अच्छे से भर्त्सना की है , निंदक से दूर रहने को कहा है :-

कंचन को तजबो सहल, सहल त्रिया को नेह ! निंदा करो त्याग बो, बड़ा कठिन है येह !!

कबीर दास जी के अनुसार " स्वर्ण , सम्पति एंवं स्त्री का मोह त्यागकर साधू वेष धरान कर लेना सहज है, लकिन दुसरो की बुरे करने का त्याग करना बड़ा ही कठिन है !!

निन्दन से कुता भला, हटकर मॉडे रार ! कुते से क्रोधी बुरा, गुरु दिलावे गार !!

निंदा करने वाले से कुत्ता अच्छा है जो दूर हटकर भोकता है ! कुते से क्रोधी निंदक बुरा है क्युकी वह अपने गुरु को भी गाली दिलवाता है !!

कबीर दास जी ने क्रोध के बारे में भी बहुत सही लिखा है :-

गार अंगार क्रोध डाल, निन्दा धूवा होय ! इन तीनो को परिहरे, साधू कहावे सोय !!
गली अंगार है क्रोध आंच है, पर निंदा धुआ है जो प्राणी इन तीनो को स्वार्थ त्याग दे , वही साधू कहलाने योग्य है !!

अभी ब्लॉग ज़ारी है ........ समय मिलेगा तो पूरा किया जायेगा ... धन्यवाद !

अनुज त्यागी 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Diesel Engine Power Plant


There are different types cycles in thermodynamics.Such as Otto cycle,Carnot vapour cycle,Diesel cycle etc.Out of that cycle diesel engine works on diesel cycle.This cycle is also known as constant pressure cycle.Diesel engine is mostly employed in Stationary Power plants,Ships,Heavy Motor Vehicles.

In Petrol Engine,the air-fuel mixture after being compressed in the engine cylinder to a high pressure,is ignited by an electric spark from a spark plug.In diesel engine,diesel oil and light and heavy oil used as fuel.This fuel is ignited by being injected into the engine cylinder containing air compressed to
a very high pressure,the temperature of this air is sufficiently high to ignite the fuel.That is why there is no spark plug used in diesel engine.This high temperature compressed air used in the form of very fine spray is injected at a controlled rate so that the combustion of fuel proceeds at constant pressure.

Diesel Engine is mainly worked on below strokes.

01)Suction Stroke:-
In this stroke,the piston moves down from the top dead centre.As a result,inlet valve opens and air is drawn into the cylinder.After sufficient quantity of air with pressure is drawn,suction valve closes at the end of the stroke.The exhaust valve remains closed during this stroke.

02)Compression Stroke:-
In this stroke,piston moves up from the bottom dead centre.During this stroke both inlet and exhaust valve are closed.The air drawn into the cylinder during suction stroke,is entrapped inside the cylinder and compressed due to upward movement of the piston.In diesel engine,the compression ratio used is very high as a result,the air is finally compressed to a very high pressure up-to 40 kilogram per centimeter square,at this pressure,the temperature of the air is reached to 1000 degree centigrade which is enough to ignite the fuel.

03)Constant Pressure Stroke:-
In this stroke,the fuel is injected into the hot compressed air where it starts burning,maintaining the pressure constant.When the piston moves to its top dead centre,the supply of fuel is cut-off.It is to be said that the fuel is injected at the end of compression stroke and injection continues till the point of cut-off,but in actual practise,the ignition starts before the end of compression stroke to take care of ignition tag.

04)Working Or Power Stroke:-
In this stroke,both inlet and exhaust valve remain closed.The hot gases (which are produced due to ignition of fuel during compression stroke) and compressed air,now expand adiabatically,in the cylinder pushing the piston down and hence work is done.At the end of stroke,the piston finally reaches the bottom dead centre.

05)Exhaust Stroke:-
In this stroke,the piston again moves upward.The exhaust valve opens,while inlet and fuel valve are closed.A greater part of the burnt fuel gases escape due to their own expansion.The upward movement of the piston pushes the remaining gases out through the open exhaust valve.Only a small quantity of
exhaust gases stay in the combustion chamber.At the end of exhaust stroke,the exhaust valve closes and the cycle is thus completed.

As there is some resistance while operating in inlet and exhaust valve and the some portion of burnt gases remains inside the cylinder during the cycle,resulting the pumping losses.This pumping losses are treated as negative work and therefore subtracted from actual work done during the cycle.This will give us net work done from the cycle.

I hope,this information will help you to increase knowledge about diesel engine

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Art of Living

How we live our life, sometimes my mind is confuse , idon't know about others , but what i feel from literature is this :-
"Rivers do not drink their own water, nor do tree eat their own fruit, nor do rain clouds eat the grains reared by them. The wealth of the noble is used solely for the benefit of others"
""Happiness + Sorrow = Life""

“Zindagi Ek Paheli Hai Kabhi Dushman Tou Kabhi Saheli Hai”

Now it is depend upon Human being how He/She would treat his/her sorrows or challenges. Because this is a gift given by God, so everyone must be accepting it, this is one of the best gifts given by god itself in this beautiful earth.

Jindagi ki asli udaan abhi baaki hai,
Jindagi ke kai imtehan abhi baaki hai
Abhi to naapi hai mutthi bhar zamin humne,
Abhi to sara aasman baaki hai....

“Hanste Hanste Kaat Jayee Raste ki Zindagi 
Yun he Gujarti Rahe Khusi Mile ya Gum badlenge na Hum”

Even after accepting that giving is good and that one must learn to give, several questions need to be answered.
The first question is when should one give?
We all know the famous incident from the Mahabharata.

Yudhisthir, asks a beggar seeking alms to come the next day. On this, Bhim rejoices, that Yudhisthir his brother, has conquered death! For he is sure that he will be around tomorrow to give. Yudhisthir gets the message.

One does not know really whether one will be there tomorrow to give! The time to give therefore is now.
The next question is how much to give.
One recalls the famous incident from history. Rana Pratap was reeling after defeat from the Moghals. He had lost his army, he had lost his wealth, and most important he had lost hope, his will to fight. At that time in his darkest hour, his erstwhile minister Bhamasha came seeking him and placed his entire fortune at the disposal of Rana Pratap. With this, Rana Pratap raised an army and lived to fight another day.
The answer to this question how much to give is "Give as much as you can"

The next question is what to give. It is not only money that can be given. It could be a flower or even a smile.
It is not how much one gives but how one gives that really matters. When you give a smile to a stranger that may be the only good thing received by him in days and weeks! "You can give anything but you must give with your heart!
One also needs answer to this question whom to give.
Many times we avoid giving by finding fault with the person who is seeking. However, being judgmental and rejecting a person on the presumption that he may not be the most deserving is not justified. “Give without being judgmental!
Next we have to answer How to give
Coming to the manner of giving, one has to ensure that the receiver does not feel humiliated, nor does the giver feel proud by giving.
In giving follow the advice, 'Let not your left hand know what your right hand gives' Charity without publicity and fanfare is the highest form of charity. 'Give quietly'
While giving let not the recipient feel small or humiliated. After all what we give never really belonged to us. We come to this world with nothing and will go with nothing. The thing gifted was only with us for a temporary period. Why then take pride in giving away something which really did not belong to us? Give with grace and with a feeling of gratitude.
When you help someone in need, give it before he asks for it; for if you place him under the necessity of stretching out his hand, you take away from him his self-respect which is worth more than the value of your alms.
What should one feel after giving?
We all know the story of Eklavya. When Dronacharya asked him for his right thumb as "Guru Dakshina", he unhesitatingly cut off the thumb and gave it to Dronacharya.
There is a little known sequel to this story. Eklavya was asked whether he ever regretted the act of giving away his thumb. He replied, and the reply has to be believed to be true, as it was asked to him when he was dying.
His reply was "Yes! I regretted this only once in my life. It was when Pandavas were coming in to kill Dronacharya who was broken hearted on the false news of death of his son Ashwathama and had stopped fighting. It was then that I regretted the loss of my thumb. If the thumb was there, no one could have dared hurt my Guru.
The message to us is clear. Give and never regret giving!
And the last question is How much should we provide for our heirs?
Ask yourself 'are we taking away from them the gift of work'? - A source of happiness! The answer is given by Warren Buffett: "Leave your kids enough to do anything, but not enough to do nothing!
I would conclude by saying: let us learn the Art of Giving, and quoting Saint Kabir:
"When the wealth in the house increases, when water fills a boat, Throw them out with both hands"

There are lots of up and down in life, Sometimes I think that why god gives me these problems, why he does not make me rich.
What I have done???
What a bad luck???
Sometimes Family Problems make me week!!
पर फिर भी कही न कही दिल में एक उम्मीद तो रहती है
But there was hope in the heart is….......
God loves me a lot. That’s why he selected me to solve these problems. As in school time my teacher selected me too solve the equations because he was know that I can solve it.
So god has faith on me, that I can solve each and every problem what he given me.
Sometimes I lost my courage, and I feel loneness in this case I contact to my best friends and discuss him/her about other topics. I know my few friends have a good attitude about these challenges.
 Now not everyone learns God created all these?
We are sometimes punished for the mistakes of others, at a time Very bad thoughts come to mind. But what else can there are some things in our own hands!
We forget the pain at the time of joy, it is a human attitude. Perhaps it is not easy to change. Sometimes it seems to us that life is a burden. Very soon we would be happy, what we like.
Then we enjoy the pleasure that we forget all my mischief.
Maybe that's life. When we went to go to the doctor,
Then perhaps our lives show us what is the price he paid for live life as we are living.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Inspiration - Kabir Das

This blog is dedicated to saint Kabir Das. I am trying to collect all his Doha(couplet), poem, sakhi in Hindi, English with translation and meaning.submit your suggestions as comments to improve meaning or explanation of a Doha(couplet).

I will co-relate few Doha's with the life or other authors books too. how they improve our life too .
Six hundred years ago Kabir was born in India in 1398 AD. He lived for 120 years and is said to have relinquished his body in 1518. This period is also said to be the beginning of Bhakti Movement in India.

A weaver by profession, Kabir ranks among the world's greatest poets. Back home in India, he is perhaps the most quoted author. The Holy Guru Granth Sahib contains over 500 verses by Kabir. The Sikh community in particular and others who follow the Holy Granth, hold Kabir in the same reverence as the other ten Gurus.

Kabir openly criticized all sects and gave a new direction to the Indian philosophy. This is due to his straight forward approach that has a universal appeal. It is for this reason that Kabir is held in high esteem all over the world. To call Kabir a universal Guru is not an over exaggeration. To me personally, the very name Kabir means Guru's Grace.

I have been personally very deeply influenced by reading Kabir.Why Kabir? reveals my feelings and also, how this idea of my translating Kabir's verses, came into its being.

i was reading a book name "The Power of Positive Thinking" written by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. When i was reading this book , many times i found or observed that this book is a perfect example of Kabir Doha's , that's why i try to co-relate it with the Doha's. I present you few examples for you here , which help you to improve your positive thinking too as well as life.
one chapter of this book , name of the chapter is "How to break the worry habit". This is a very interesting chapter for personnel growth as well as our daily life too . i am inspired with it too much.
The Author asks, What is Worry ?

Chinta Aisee Dakini, Kat Kaleja Khaye
Vaid Bichara Kya Kare, Kahan Tak Dawa Lagaye


Worry is the bandit that eats into one's heart
What the doctor can do, what remedy to impart?

My Understanding

Discontentment causes worry and worry itself becomes the cause that creates chaos in the mind. All peace is lost and the more one entertains the worry, the more armored 'she' becomes to destroy the very vitality of a man. There is no doctor and no remedy for this cause.

This is so true and can be observed by anyone in one's own affairs.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

My First Job 2007 -10

It was 3rd November 2007, at Samtel color ltd. Ghaziabad (U.P.). Where I Joined my First Company as a Trainee Engineer. Before this I was not aware what i will do in future, i will join in production or maintenance. First I meet Mrs. Rajni khullar who is HR -assistant manager in HRD. I influenced by her nature, working style and handling a person who has pain for the HR department.First day in first half i fill up the form for joining, it was too long, having a thick copy of different forms, in which i fill up my personnel details, nominees etc. in this process i spend first half of the day.I am writing my past & first job experience after four year. Today is 15 Jan-very 2012, Sunday.In that stage every one wants a good job for his carrier, some get good opportunity or not. Fortunately I was a good student and hard-worker at the time of Institution.After that I did hard work as most of the student. Every boy (not a girl, I think) has same mindset what will be happened after the education, I got job or not. Same thing I have in my mind.

Zinadagi kaha jayegi kuch nahi pata hota hai us time hum sabhi ko, hum sirf mehant he ker saktein hai aur mainee bhi wasa he kiya :)

Tujhe kaya kahoon main aye zindagi, Teray aik pal ki khabar nahi JMain yaqeen karoon bhi to kis tarhan, Teri shab ki koi sehar nahi.Meri khawishoon ka ye silsila, hai kahan talak ye khabar nahi,Tujhe kaya kahoon main aye zindagi, Teray aik pal ki khabar nahi,Main yaqeen karoon bhi to kis tarhan, Teri shab ki koi sehar nahi,Meri khawishoon ka ye silsila, Hai kahan talak ye khabar nahi !!

            After completing the formalities I went to my concern department which name was Utility. I did not aware about it, but I read that name on the bike (engine k uper ek box bana hota hai jis per ye word likha hota hai ) then after i did not recognize about the meaning.
In the office of utility i met Mr. Natrjan ( Dy.Manager) Utilities -Power Section. He introduces me about himself and background, family and way of working in brief. He is the guy who took my interview and asked me the basic of electrical engineering in details, i was inspired him very much. He has a sound technical knowledge about mechanical and electrical engineering.
After the small introduction with him, he briefs us with the company product and culture. He told us that the company is good for learning and as well as working.Then-after we met Mr. A.K.Gupta (DGM- Utility). He joined samtel in initial phase that's why he knows better than other about the company culture and management. He was worked with as a plant head in the same company but in other branch. He also has a long experience and good management skills too. He was retired 2009, so you can imagine about the experience.

I was with a new Trainee (Utility) – Mr. Vinod Kumar, who belongs from Mathura, same field. I got good company with him, he is a good boy, i enjoyed with him a lot inside company and outside company.

Mr. Natrajan introduce me with Mr. Vishal Aggarwal (Assistant Manager), who is also young and having a four year experience, fun loving guy having smile on face. he introduce me with the plant.

After introduction of the plant we started Training. We went 9:00 AM and return back 5:30PM. In starting days we feel boring; even I slept inside the company.After Joining i meet few my college friends, Nadeem , Arun , Ram babu.Because I was in touch with HR, so after few months i got an opportunity for recruitment for my friends, so i call for interview in, which Mr. Dinesh Sharma Selected for Quality in Quality Assurance Department with Mr. Sachin kumar.Now I make a good company because of Dinesh sharma and others too. One day I meet Mr. Akshay Tyagi inside Canteen.

uske baad ek saal taak maine waha per khub enjoy kiya as a trainee, her week end per home chale jana , because it is not so far from ghaziabad. these two and half year passed so fast with lot of learning.During the period of training i met Mr. Satish Sharma (Assistant Manager), Sandeep Seth , Nripendra , who joined Samtel after my joining.
I did lots of Training during my first company; all are superb and good for my growth. Personnely i feel that was a good start for my carrier. I enjoyed a lot with the company of Mr. Seth.I did lots of Training during my first company; all are superb and good for my growth. Personnely i feel that was a good start for my carrier.
Oops!! Sorry
abid and sanjeev I forget to write about you ;)
Abid Ali who was my room mate during the job. he was my senior too, but after joining in same organization on same post we are good friends. Abid is a good human , as a friend , as a adviser.

Now the turn to write about sanjeev chauhan , who is the fun loveing guy, Tang khichne wala , jubaan ladane wala , ek no ka bindaas prani ( ha ha ha ) , jitna likho utna kaam hai . we three guys enjoyed together so many times.

We all drinks soft-drinks together without any glass, and i am the best in all, I opened the bottle and finished it also. I don’t remember how many times we repeated it.
I learnt smoking, drinking with the company of sanjeev and dinesh. Whenever new friends came to the room, we cheer it with bear and wine with smoke.

"Kaise wo time nikaal gya a pata he nahi chala , wo time meri life ka sabse acha time raha , sayad waha maine aapne jivan mein kafi changes dekhee"
Mere aaj ke aur aaj se 4 saal pahle k Anuj mein kafi difference aa chuka tha, mere sari personality he change ho chuki thi , mere dressing , style , talking , everything .....aur sabse bada change jine ka salika i am living with a smile happy and want to see everyone happy .......taab se aaj taak ka safar bhut hasin raha !!

In the Last 24 April 2011, I relieved from the company for my carrier growth. It was a great experience of my life. I can not describe that pain, when i was left my first company. It will be memorable for me. i always remember this exposure.Thanks to God who gives me good starts in the begging of my carrier. I learn a lot from this tenure.